Things you need to know


What are the 'rules' of Orchard House?

We know that there are lots of different ways to parent and care for a baby. We respect your choices and how you want to do things. However, there are some guidelines provided by the NHS that we follow about bottle making, sterilising, weaning and safe sleeping. These can be found by clicking on the pictures.

Keeping everyone safe

We also have a duty to make sure all the children and families we have here are safe. We need to you to agree to:

  • not use any drugs or alcohol whilst living at Orchard House, even if you are away from the house. You cannot bring drugs or alcohol into the house.

  • not care for or hold other parents' children

  • not take photographs of other families, not talk about other families to people outside of Orchard House. (You are welcome to facetime but please do not do this with other families around)

  • not smack your child or hurt them

  • not be abusive or violent to anyone else

Because of the fire risk, we do not allow candles or chip pans at Orchard House. You are welcome to smoke in the garden and the smoking area but not in the house. This includes e-cigs. Unfortunately, you are not able to bring pets to Orchard House.

We will do room checks once a week to make sure that they are safe and clean for your child. Please change nappies in the privacy of your bedroom.